The Rustacean Station Podcast

PancakeDB with Martin Loncaric

Posted Fri, 11 Mar 2022 17:30:00 +0000

Allen Wyma talks with Martin Loncaric, creator of PancakeDB. PancakeDB is a database that focuses on low latency ingestion of data.

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  • [@0:35] - Martin’s Bio
  • [@1:30] - What is PancakeDB?
  • [@5:48] - How does Pancake compare to CSV & Parquet?
  • [@7:09] - Where did the idea of working on PancakeDB come from?
  • [@9:25] - PancakeDB license & monetization
  • [@14:00] - What makes PancakeDB so highly performant
  • [@18:21] - How Martin got into Big Data
  • [@21:22] - How PancakeDB addresses the data ingestion problem
  • [@26:28] - Where did the name Pancake DB come from?
  • [@27:42] - Recommended ways to implement data ingestion
  • [@30:37] - Rust vs other languages when it comes to data processing
  • [@34:05] - What brought Martin to Rust
  • [@37:23] - How can Rust improve & Martin’s parting thoughts

Other Resources


Intro Theme: Aerocity

Audio Editing: Plangora

Hosting Infrastructure: Jon Gjengset

Show Notes: Plangora

Hosts: Allen Wyma